So this is what they mean by the soft bigotry of low expectations… avoid self-preoccupation. There are many others who need the assistance that only you can offer. Develop more patience and value: the calm that can be yours. Look for good in people, places and happenings. Let your wardrobe incline a bright, pleasant expression. A ready smile makes a fashionable accessory. Today, keep your standards beyond reproach.



Serve the Lord by serving others.


A goal is nothing but a” dream with a deadline.”

Let’s go over this one more time:

  • Visitation: Business Casual
  • Funeral: Business Professional (Church Clothes)

It’s self explanatory. I’m sick of people thinking if you’re are clean and so are your clothes, that you can just go anywhere; church, weddings, funerals, etc.

We’ re supposed to dress for success. But does this mean the major events in our lives are not important enough for us to look successful? I think we should take a good long look at ourselves and say,  “HEY! Clean up your act.”

This is the last time you will ever see this person, wouldn’t you want them to show you the same respect? Is this how you want to remember them in T’shirts & Flip-Flops?

MERCY! I think NOT!