and to the family Surname researchers, please don’t think me too busy to respond to your questions, requests and comments. I’ve been trying my best to fit it all into my day [and most nights]. Yes, it is true that I’ve been stretched fairly thin these days. Actually, if the truth be known, my husband is terribly busy [workaholic], I’m just along for the moral support. Not much good to anyone these days. I’ve sure made some huge blunders today.

I’m trying feverishly to stay at my desk and work; read, write and study. When time permits, still have some tiny semblance of a social life. If it weren’t for Facebook, I’d never get to talk to or visit with my family and friends anymore.

Some people still fail to realize, that I’m only one person, but a real person just the same. I wish at times, I was a vast conglomerate, able to search and research every inch of the states of Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri and spread out to England and Scotland, for all the needed documents and the feeling of accomplishment this would bring me. It’s just not in the cards at this time; maybe someday.

It’s also true that I’ve have been relying heavily on family members for their hard work and dedication to this project; more so than I really should at this point.  Although, I do appreciate it very much, and want to thank you personally, for the work you’re doing for the family. To get us one link higher in our lineage.

At this time, I’m trying to get to everyone’s requests, and to distant cousin, Fred O’, I would say, “She’s on the list of things to read”.  I have the Reed Family books on loan still, and have to get through them all, before my uncle repossesses them.  Each time he emails, I cringe. He says, “How’s the Reed research coming?” He is an Adkins, but he wants me to do for the Reed’s what I’ve done for the Adkins and Metcalf surnames.  I am trying, the problem is most of this work, is copy written material. I’m just not clear on, how they can copy write your family information? Do I need to get my cousins to sign waivers to write about them? Who knows? At this point, I really don’t care anymore. At least once a week someone accuses me of stealing their work or something they have written. Its now just a regular part of my day.

I had worked all day today, after a very trying day; I joking referred to as the 5th Realm earlier, came home twice, had to go back in and the first thing I did was come here. I came to see if anyone had uncovered anything new and exciting or even just wanted to say, “Hey”! For those who did, I do appreciate it.

I love what each of you is doing, and I’m sure you share the same passion as I. Keep up the good work, thanks for being here and Welcome to the Family!

Best Wishes,
Sheila Jean Adkins Metcalf

If I find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. ~ Frank A. Clark

It’s Labor Day! Let’s have a picnic! Let’s go to a ball game! Or, let’s just take it easy!

In the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, Labor Day is a national holiday. It is celebrated on the first Monday in September. Because of this, Labor Day has become a symbol of the end of summer.

The idea for Labor Day probably came from a carpenter names Peter McGuire. At a labor union meeting, McGuire suggested that a special day be set aside to honor working people. This new holiday was first observed in New York City on September 5, 1882.

Many countries celebrate a special day for working people. In New Zealand, this day is called Labour Day. It is celebrated on the fourth Monday in October. In Australia, the date of Labour Day, also called Eight-Hour Day, varies from state to state. And in Europe, many countries celebrate Labor Day on May 1.

Labor Day is often a time often a time for parades, picnics, and special events. But many working people like to use their special day as a time for “taking it easy.” ~ Angela Adams

There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. ~ Edmund Burke

When you have too many commitments, both legitimate and ones that are less so, it’s overwhelming.

It may be that you need to get your list of appointments, to-do’s, projects, etc. together and then you can begin to determine your overall level of commitment. So plan now to do that very thing.

One cannot manage too many affairs: like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other. ~ Chinese Proverb

WHO on Swine Flu – Looking for authoritative information about the H1N1 flu virus (otherwise known as swine flu)? The World Health Organization (WHO) website is a good place to get it. This comprehensive site offers public health guidelines, updates on reported cases, pandemic status alerts, travel advice, and FAQs.

Instructables – Go here to learn how to do just about anything better. The site features instructions for do-it-yourself projects in a wide variety of categories such as arts and crafts, games, gardening, music, pets, and technology. User-friendly videos and photos guide you through the projects, and user comments offer firsthand accounts of what it’s like to work on them.

Go Condo – Take a trip through vacation rentals at hundreds of locations worldwide. Now is a great time to find a good deal on a condo and, since condos have kitchens, you can also save on restaurant costs by cooking for yourself. To use the site, just enter your destination, travel dates, preferred price, and other details to get your results. Photos and visitor comments provide a realistic description of each property.

The Grilling Coach – It’s grilling season! And if anyone knows grilling, it’s Richard Myers, otherwise known as The Grilling Coach. This site offers detailed instructions about all things related to grilling including recipes, safety instructions, how to improve your grilling skills, and grill buying guides. Check out the instructional videos for more “hot tips.”

View the New You – Ever wonder what you will look like when you lose those extra pounds? Now you don’t have to wait for it to happen to find out. The WeightView site allows you to upload a photo of yourself and specify how much weight you’d like to lose, then sends you back an image of you at your target weight. You can use this image to motivate yourself to stay proactive about your goals. Check out the blog and join the community for additional support.

Schedule – like an appointment – routine breaks in your day for private moments. Reflect, rest physically and emotionally, talk with someone important to you. Try lying down for 10 minutes, even if you don’t sleep, you’ll feel rested. Read a book before turning in at night; quite down time will help you sleep. 

I actually have a Signature, pre-programmed for whenever I’m out, that says, “No need to reply, I’ll be on vacation!”

Give me a break!


Sit down and take a load off. ~ Sheila Jean Metcalf 

The decisions you make during the day help or hinder the accomplishment of your larger goals. Keep this in mind when creating today’s schedule.


If the stress of deadlines gets in the way of doing a job, use diversion. Take your mind off the task and you will focus better when you’re on task.

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.”
-Lily Tomlin